Yleiset => Yleinen keskustelu => Aiheen aloitti: Hermanni - 25.08.05 - klo: 00.47

Otsikko: ROAR on määritellyt hyväksyttävät harjattomat moottorit.
Kirjoitti: Hermanni - 25.08.05 - klo: 00.47
Eli tällaista "jenkkilässä", mitenkäs "meidän" säännökset harjattomien kohdalla on edenneet?
Mielenkiintoinen kohta on modified brushless motor kohta, se saa maksaa retailina maksimissaan 129$!
Eli "jenkit" ovat päättäneet rajoittaa moottoreita myös hinnalla, minusta hieno idea joka pitää kustannuksia kurissa!
Alla ROAR 2005 säännöt. http://www.roarracing.com/rules.php GENERAL DEFINITION OF A BRUSHLESS MOTOR Sensored or sensorless motors are allowed. The motor has to be rebuildable. Ball bearings are allowed. If the motor is sensored:
It must use a six position JST ZH connector model number ZHR-6 or equivalent connector with 6 JST part number SZH-002T-PO.5 26-28 awg contacts or equivalent.
Wire sequence must be as follows:
Pin #1- Black wire-ground potential
Pin #2- Orange wire-phase C
Pin #3- White wire-phase B
Pin #4- Green wire-phase A
Pin #5- Blue wire-temp control, 10 k Thermistor referenced to ground potential
Pin #6- Red wire-+ 5.0 volts =/- 10%
For clarification pin #1 is on the left hand side of the above connector with the wires exiting the top of the connector and the plastic tangs that hold the contacts in the housing are facing forward. See drawing below.

Compatible speed control must use the six position JST header part number X-6B-ZR-SMX-TK (where the X denotes the style of the header), or equivalent.
The power connector has to be clearly marked A, B, C. on both speed control and motor.
A for phase A
B for phase B
C for phase C . 05. size dimensions.
Overall maximum diameter is 36.02mm measured at whatever point yields the maximum dimension, excluding solder tabs or lead wires. Overall minimum diameter is 34.00mm measured at whatever point yields the minimum dimension, excluding solder tabs or lead wires. Maximum length is 53.00mm measured from the mounting face of the motor to the furthest most point of the end bell, not including solder tabs, lead wires or original manufacturer.s logo or name. Minimum length is 50.00mm measured from the mounting face of the motor to the furthest most point of the end bell, not including solder tabs, lead wires or original manufacturer.s logo or name. Motor mounting holes must be on 1.00- inch (25.40mm) centers.
Stack minimum length 19.30mm, maximum 21.00mm. Stack inside diameter minimum 12.50mm, maximum 16.00mm. If a stack is used then it must be continuous. The laminations have to be one after the other without anything in between. The thickness of the stack plates is 0.35 +/- 0.05mm. All laminations must be of the same material.
Only three slot (phase) .Y. wound stators are permitted. No delta wound stators allowed. Only circular (round) pure copper wire permitted. No turn limit.
Shaft diameter must be 0.125 inches (3.175mm). Only one piece, two pole bonded Neodymium or Ferrite magnetic rotors are permitted. Magnet minimum length 23.00mm, maximum 27.00mm. Magnet minimum diameter 12.00mm, maximum 15.50mm. All motors must have the original manufacturer.s logo or name moulded into the end bell. A minimum of two thousand (2000) brushless motors must be available at the time of approval. A minimum of three hundred (300) brushless motors must have been sold to at least three (3) distributors or hobby shops or OEM.s at the time of submittal. The manufacturer has to provide an address of a hobby shop or the like, that any driver who wishes to obtain these motors at the time of the approval can do so. No hybrid (mixing of parts from approved brushless motors) allowed. The maximum retail price of a modified brushless motor shall be $129.00

EDIT. EFRA:n säännökset harjattomien ostalta ovatkin liki samat, kuin ROAR:in säännökset.
Otsikko: ROAR on määritellyt hyväksyttävät harjattomat moottorit.
Kirjoitti: Catiska - 25.08.05 - klo: 08.53
On muuten melko tiukat säännökset. Kait noilla haetaan tasaväkisyyttä suhteessa harjallisiin, kait...