Hyvin menee, keep up the good work. 8)
Vähän ristiriitaiset tunteet jää muuten tuosta kisakuvauksesta. Ensin on ihan että WAU!
In addition for lesure time outside the event, there are several attraction points inside the complex, such as HAI LAI International Night Club, COPACABANA Spa massage & relaxing service, SEA WORLD, some good seafood restaurants, walks beside beach for relaxing, art shops, water parks including swimming pool and other water playing attraction, DUNIA FANTASI (translated to FANTASY WORLD) amusement park like Disney Land, and much more. For any drivers who wish to go outside the complex, we could arrange a trip by bus to see more attraction outside the complex and these trips would include a tour guide
Sitten vähän eteenpäin ja...
At the time of the event, we propose to provide military and police to safeguard the surroundings. :?: :!: Actually it is not neccessary because the track is located in a closed complex but we consider to provide them so that international driver will feel more secure
LOL! :mrgreen: Mahtaa olla unelmalomakohteen kiilto hieman rapistunut tässä viime aikoina. Sitten vielä CIA:lta kirsikka kakun päälle:
degree of risk: high
food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A and E, and typhoid fever
vectorborne diseases: dengue fever, malaria, and chikungunya are high risks in some locations
note: at present, H5N1 avian influenza poses a minimal risk; during outbreaks among birds, rare cases could occur among US personnel who have close contact with infected birds or poultry (2005)
Terrorist incidents in 2005 have slowed tourist arrivals. Indonesia experienced several human cases of avian influenza in late 2005, sparking concerns of a pandemic.
Saadaan kaikki JQ:lta lintuflunssa ensi kaudella kun se kisaa Suomessa :mrgreen: :mrgreen: