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Yleinen keskustelu / Vs: I think this is a good new.
« : 07.02.09 - klo: 23.38 »
 :shocked:Fearst IVY-1 delivered, installed and running on 944 of my Italian friend.


Yleinen keskustelu / I think this is a good new.
« : 23.01.09 - klo: 04.23 »

sorry but I do not speack your language. :-)

Sorry for some error in this post.

If this is wrong session you can move this post in other session.

I ham happy to be in this great forum!

I whant talk with you about an interesting new.

Exsist an incredible new for rc escavators model.

See here:



The follow is the description of autor:

"IVY-1 is an electronic system that manages the pressure in the hydraulic model (as excavators, buldozer, truck, etc..). IVY-1 is a system that can control and change the flow and oil pressure according to the conditions of use (intelligent system). Especially IVY-1 is a system capable of lowering the pressure in case of rest and water utilities to rise again when using them, as in real excavators!! To date, which allowed us simply to vary the ratio of the electric motor, which is decidedly very unrealistic and not applicable in short intervals and variables, where it is essential to have a REAL AUTOMATIC set-aside and restore the plant. In my opinion, was the last barrier to be deleted, an important but neglected barrier. An essential function, a function that the media is seen as the real heart of hydraulic, but that I know, never before tested on the scale models. This instrument is good also for buldozer, trucks and all hydraulic model."

Let me what do you think.

You can contact me at kronos@simail.it



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