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Aiheet - Stuart

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Yleinen keskustelu / Driving advice needed
« : 20.01.20 - klo: 21.20 »
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? This is the practice off-road track at Fullspeed in Vantaa.


It's hard to get the car to stay flat on the first jump and the front keeps diving, but I can get it to stay flat on the other three jumps ok. I'm trying to quickly press/increase the throttle to keep the car flat just as I hit the ramp.

The first ramp/bump seems to have a much sharper angle than the other three jumps and it's much shorter too. So I'm not sure if it's my bad timing with the throttle or whether it's just a hard jump to tackle smoothly. Or should I just reduce my speed?

The car is a (probably 5-year-old) Associated B5M with 400cst oil in standard set-up: white springs at the front, green at the rear, 24mm ride height.

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